
Praise the Lord for the tree...

...in my neighbors yard
which he was walking behind
with his dog
in front of their house
across the street
where there were no cars
or kids
at the bottom of our inclined driveway
upon which our garage sits
where I park my car
that I got out of
and walked up the stairs
to punch the garage door button
only to look back and see

my car rolling out of the garage
down our inclined driveway
across the street
down the hill
into my neighbors yard
toward his house
where he was walking his dog
and into the tree.
Praise the Lord for the tree.

You must put your car in "Park" if you wish for it to remain that way.

Anybody looking to sell a good car?

Hurry and get here Turkey Day!

I am already ready already for Thanksgiving break! :) Here's a funny lil turkey day dance- turn up your music and listen. Click Here


A glimpse into my days at school...

Jason Grier had this (click here) very funny website link on his blog that lets you build yourself in legos! How fantastic! This is me at school... I wear my black Dansko shoes everyday or else my back is killin by the end of the day... lots of days a scarf.. around the waist or the neck... and most always I have my mug with hot tea. Jasmine green tea. With Splenda. Most days my hair starts off like this and ends up in a pony tail. Also, I keep my pencil in hand to mark down all the bad kids in my, "Ah-woo-woo" Behavior Log. It is getting quite full. Today, after the pep rally, I was walking in the crowded hall and somebody pulled my hair. Real Mature. Mmmm, I love high schoolers.

Thanks for the encouraging comments on the last post... I'm truckin along... report cards come out next week. I'm 1/4 of the way through the year! Yippee! :) I'm praying about next year. I love to teach, but I'm dying to get into a class with some Deaf kids. When they talk back it isn't quite as annoying. :) There's a job opening in Richland one teaching their middle school Deaf class. That'd be pretty sweet... except I'd have to drive 45 min. to work everyday. I'd spend my entire salary on transportation to and from! Oh well, it'll work out. The Lord is good like that.
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker