
Never put off til tomorrow what you can do today...

because you might go into labor!

I did. Last Monday, one day before I was 31 weeks pregnant (it takes 40 to have a fully cooked bun) I was having contractions about every eight minutes, but seeing how I've never BEEN pregnant, I didn't realize they were real contractions. Everyone talks about these things called Braxton Hicks contractions that happen but don't really mean anything, so I was sure that's what was going on.. but when I googled, "what do contractions feel like" and read the articles, I figured I should just call my doctor and see what he said. They said it was probably not a big deal, but to come in just to be on the safe side. So I called Benjamin and told him I was going over the doctors office and he insisted that he come with me. I told him that it was nothing and there was no need for him to leave the office, but he insisted that he drive me over there. Reluctantly, I went and met him and he drove me.

Time out: Let me just tell you that I started out at a different doctor at the beginning of my pregnancy. At week 17 I switched to this doctor because a friend told me he was a Christian and was fantastic-- he took time to talk with his patients and answer any questions and even prayed with his patients.. he and his practice are also well known for handling high risk cases and only deliver at Richland hospital where they send all preterm and high risk pregnancy cases in and around the midlands and also have the most advanced Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the state... which was nice to know, but I of course never thought I'd need to be concerned about either of these things... little did I know...

We arrived at the doctors office and they put me on a monitor to watch the contractions and the baby's heartbeat. Benson's lil heart was just a beating and the contractions were about every 6-8 minutes. After a little while, the doctor checked me and I was 3 cm. dialated. He said, "this is the end of being out of the bed for you." He said that we needed to go into the hospital, which was connected to the doctors office. So I asked if we could go home and he said absolutely not. They brought a wheelchair in the room and told me they were taking me to the hospital right then. They wheeled me over there, got me up in the hospital bed and in about 20 minutes, had stuck me with about 20 different needles and shots, one of which was a steriod to develop the baby's lungs since he was too early to breathe on his own. That was when Benjamin and I realized they thought the baby was coming right THEN!

They were pumping this stuff called magnesium sulfate into me to stop the contractions which pretty much felt like FIRE going into my body. Then they were giving me a shot every two hours of this stuff called brethine which was also supposed to stop the contractions but made my heart race and pumped the FIRE through my body even faster. I felt like I was a rotisserie chicken. I had the thermostat set at 55 degrees, and my sweet husband and family were dipping washcloths into a basin of ice water and placing them on me. Within about two minutes, the cloths were warm and had to be re-dipped. They had an assembly line going-- as they were all wrapped up in blankets, teeth chattering. It was crazy. They kept that up for about 48 hours, until the medicines they were giving me to stop the contractions caused me to get fluid on my lungs. Which, considering I was supposed to be lying flat, was not a good situation. So my doctor decided to take me off of all of the meds, because there had been enough time for the steroid shot to take effect on Benson's lungs. I felt confident in his decision, because I knew we was a praying man and was seeking the Lord's wisdom and not just depending on his own.. he said that the reason I was having contractions was that I had a bladder infection that had turned really mean. he thought that the infection may have entered the amniotic fluid and my body was trying to push the baby out to protect it. If that was the case, we needed to let him come on out, because it was safer for him to be outside rather that still in my tummy.

After they took me off of the medicines, I was still having contractions, but they weren't strong enough to cause me to dialate any more (I stopped dialating at 4cm due to the meds) I stayed in the hospital a total of nine days. I didn't get to eat food until the fifth and I didn't get to take a shower until the eighth (ew). On the ninth day, I was discharged to be at home on total bed rest. I guess they're scarred the baby will fall out if I walk around too much :) I had two weeks of school left, but the Lord provided a wonderful substitute to finish up the year with my sweet little ones. I did have to miss the end of the year play, Winnie the Pooh, but I've been told they have it on video. So now I am sitting at home- today I'm 32 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I'm still contracting, but nothing that makes me go "hee hee hee hooo." So we're just waiting and seeing. If the contractions get unbearable or my water breaks, we'll head back to the hospital, otherwise, I'm to just sit here and let this little bun cook a little longer in the oven. They said for each day Benson's in my belly, it's three days less he'll have to stay in the hospital. I'm a better incubator that they one's they've got there!

The Lord has been so gracious to us and blessed us so much throughout this whole entire thing. So many people have been praying and encouraging us-- the Lord has given us peace and patience... although Benjamin was sitting here last night and said.." ok babe, I'm ready for him to get here... why don't you get up and do some jumping jacks :) " It's been such a roller coaster couple of weeks and we are certainly eager to meet our little one, but we are so thankful for each day that he waits to come-- each day is a blessing. As far as the title of this blog goes... never put off till tomorrow what you can do today... well... I had about 10 different colors painted on the walls in the nursery.. trying to decide which to paint.. we had not picked up the crib or, obviously, assembled it.. i was supposed to have two baby showers in the last two weeks to collect all the little baby stuff that you need... I had planned on doing a deep cleaning of my house once school got out (ok.. at least CLEANING it) I was going to plant flowers in the empty pots sitting all in my front yard... clean out closets... plan something really nice for our two year anniversary May 22 etc. Well, needless to say, I didn't, haven't and won't get to do any of the things on my to do list... however, through my wonderful family, the Lord has graciously provided. My dad and aunt missy painted the baby's room and my dad and grandaddy hunter put the crib together. My sister Ashley has cleaned my house from top to bottom (in addition to many other tasks, including painting my toenails and giving me foot massages) Mrs. J took care of Peaches while we were in the hospital, My mother in law, Mrs. Lula, planted some beautiful flowers all over my yard, on our anniversary my mom came to the hospital and brought Benjamin and I a steak and lobster dinner complete with candles (we didn't get to light them) and sparkling grape juice and a linen table cloth and a bouquet of flowers and cheesecake- it was perfect, and certainly a memorable anniversary (see pic below)... it has all worked out great. AND we still have the baby IN the belly. Which is a great thing. Benjamin was a little concerned about coming home... he said, "i don't know about laying in bed at night beside my pregnant wife who is 4cm dialated and contracting... maybe we should stay at the hospital!" But the Lord is good and he knew this little babe's birthday before the beginning of time. And all the detailes surrounding his arrival... we trust Him. He has truely given us more than we could ask or imagine the past couple of weeks.... whoever reads this... please stop and praise the Lord for his goodness.. for his provision and blessing to us.. for his protection and peace... He is such a good and mighty God and He is so worthy of praise and honor and glory. Indeed, great things he has done!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker