
one of those days

I walked into school at 7:30 this lovely Monday morning, to a parent standing at my door with her son. We spent about 30 minutes talking about how her son didn't finish my test and how I should've given him more time.

I wore my hair in braids today and walked out of my room first block to get some copies and hear one of my male students say, "what's up with her hair, she looks like she's from 1902!"

I spent all of my planning period second block on "Freetranslation.com" trying to type everything into the translator so that my new student, who happens to be Chinese and not speak one single word of English, would be able to have some sort of a clue what is going on around him.

I spent my entire lunch helping the same student try to open his locker with, what turns out was, the wrong combination.

Fourth block I was observed by an administrator and a man who our school paid a lot of money to come in and tell us how to do our "discipline plan" better. When they left, the student who was sitting in front of them, who could hear everything they were saying, proceeded to tell the class that they were talking about how I didn't do the discipline plan right.

A girl in the same class saw my Bible on my desk and attitudely asked, "Uuhhhh, are teachers allowed to have those?"

And I got my second paycheck. $691.70 I've been working since August 31 getting there at 7:30 and leaving at about 5:30 everyday.

Every sad, depressing song you can think of was on the radio when I drove home. I repeatedly told it to "be quiet" and turned the station until I finally turned it off. Listening to it was like pouring syrup on chocolate chip and caramel pancakes; just too much.

I think I'm gonna grab a book and turn in early tonight.



Seeing as how I don't really have a whole lot of free time these days, i decided to seize this opportunity of a day off to clean out my garage which was still packed to the brim with boxes from college. So I start digging and I come across my basket of knitting things and as I was bringing them in, something squirmed out of the bottem, down my leg and under some other boxes. All I saw was a tail. And let me just say that I don't think I have ever gone to hoopin and hollerin the way I did when that think skidded down my leg.

Have you ever seen the commercial where the little toe nail fungus lefts up the nail and slithers in, his tail wagging behind... (eegghh) that is exactly what it looked like.

Turns out our garage had become infested with mice. EEeewwww! We had to take all the boxes out, dump out the contents in the front yard and Benjamin stood there with a shovel and pounded them into the ground. (He did a lot more than little bunny foo- foo)

And I thought roaches were bad...



So tomorrow is Game Day. Well, I guess it's today since it's 12:01. One of my favorite parts of football season is tailgating. I've written blogs before on food. It's just good stuff. I think it's neat how Jesus says we'll have a FEAST with him... as a Silars Bald song says, "We'll feast with the saints at His banqueting table and laugh with those that He's called his own..." I like that. It makes me excited and anticipatory (not sure that's a word).

So tonight I was getting ready for the Feast that is the beginning of the Clemson football season. I sat down, made my list and scooted off to Walmart to get some groceries. Well everybody and their BROTHER obviously thinks it's a good idea to get their weekly groceries at Walmart on friday night at 9:00. I read through an entire People Magazine while I was waiting in line to check out!

So I came home and was making one of my favorite tailgating treats: creamy crescents. Mmm, Mmm... they're tasty. And I was also (and therein lies the key to what prompted this late night blog) cooking some chicken to put in a dip for tomorrow. The chicken was done, so I moved it over to the other side of the stove and pulled the crescents out of the oven to cool. I set them on the stove and walked over to the sink to start on some dishes. I'm scrubbing away at the pots and there is this loud EXPLOSION behind me, and I think we've been bombed. Well, I turn around and my entire kitchen is covered in tiny bits of glass and my crescents are smoking on the front burner... I forgot to turn it off.

Apparently Pyrex wasn't made for the stovetop :)

(Random memory that just poppped into my head: When I was registering at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for wedding stuff, the guy was showing me around the kitchen section and was trying to sell me on this great OXO brand measuring cup. And I was trying to politely tell him that I didn't want to buy it and I said, "Oh, I already have a lot of Playtex... I don't think I need any more." He stood there a minute with this slightly embarrassed look on his face and we moved on... it wasn't til I got in the car that I realized what I'd said. Oh my.)
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