
There really is a baby in there!

We had our first ultrasound yesterday! It was amazing! And, it's for sure, without a doubt, we could tell....

It's a Boy!!

So Benjamin's gonna have a little junior! Benjamin Johnson Ryan, Jr. But we'll call him Benson. He's such a cutie. I must say, my favorite feature of him so far is his little hiney. It's just adorable. They videoed the whole ultrasound and I have watched it a bazillion times since yesterday, it's just so amazing to be able to see him moving all around in there. I have only felt him move one time, so it was just amazing to see him wiggling all around! I wish I could upload the video to here, it was so incredible! He would stretch his little legs all the way out and then pull them back in and it looked like he was waving at us with his tiny little hands. What a blessing it is to see they Lord's creation as he is forming it and making it perfectly.

So now it's time to start picking out nursery stuff and preparing our home for the new addition. I think we both feel like it's real for the first time. Since I haven't been sick and I haven't felt it move but once, it's been hard to believe that a little pink line and not being able to fit in my clothes really means there is a baby in my belly! So I'm glad to have seen him. He really is in there and he really is on his way. I can't wait to kiss him!
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