
A little news..

I am not sure that anybody in the whole wide world still checks this thing-- shucks, even I don't... but I thought I'd post it anyway...

We're going to have a baby!! :)

And not just one day in the future, but in like six and a half months! Wow. I know. It's hard to believe, but we are so excited. This makes three grandbabies in the Ryan family in three months. Whoa. We do babies like we do weddings- All at the same time! :) Everything's going fine so far-- I haven't gotten sick (praise the Lord) and can really only tell a difference in how tired I am ALL THE TIME and not really wanting to eat a whole lot except egg drop soup and root beer. Go figure. :)

The Lord has been so good to us... I am having such a wonderful school year. I am teaching second grade at a small Christian school called Heritage Christian Academy. (They havent updated the faculty pics from this year yet) It is the most precious place and I love every day that I get to spend there. What a blessing God has provided for me in hemming me in on all sides with such yuckiness last year that I ended up somewhere that I never dreamed. I mean really... I have a BA in BIOLOGY from Clemson and I'm teaching second grade. The Lord really does put ya where he wants ya. I am so glad that he is in control and not me. His plans are so much better than anything I could come up with!

Even though I love my job to pieces, I have to say that I am thankful that today was the last day before Christmas break. It's nice to have a little time to catch up on things. AND-- we're going to Las Vegas for Christmas! (I know.... spending Jesus's birthday in the sin city? Come on! But it was an all expenses paid trip including first class tickets and a stay in the penthouse at Bally's and we didn't get to pick the dates--- plus, with a little one on the way, we won't be able to just up and go too much longer... so might as well take advantage of it while we can! :) )

We have been so blessed and I am just continually amazed at the Lord's grace and mercy to us. Not only does he not give me what I deserve for coming so very short of what he asks of me.. but he blesses me abundantly in spite of that. What a mighty and gracious God we serve. He is showing me more and more each day that it isn't about me and what I do, but about HIM and what HE does even in spite of my vast shortcomings. Praise Him!!!

And a Very Merry Christmas to you in case somebody actually does read this! :)


Unknown said...

I think it deleted my first comment. Anywho I'll try again. Congrats on being a pregnant woman!
That is awesome. Julie, Ed's wife is pregnant, Lisa Mann if you remember her, she is pregnant, it's
crazy. Also, congrats on your job at school, I didn't know that!

I hope yall had a great Christmas!

erin said...

aw..babies babies everywhere! i did quit checking yours for a while..but i think you definitely have a great reason to update! and i would love to see you sometime. i bet you are the cutest pregnant thing ever! my college roommate is due in february and it trips me out that people our age are having babies. but praise the lord for a special one. you are going to make an amazing mom. praying for you and your new addition:)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jessica! I heard the news from Cindy and had been meaning to call you to see how things are going. So glad everything's going great so far. Hope Vegas was fun! Keep me updated on the baby!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! What wonderful news! You will be a wonderful Mom!Don't stop posting, I check in every once in a while to see how you are doing. I always enjoy reading your blog. Your witness always gives me encouragement and a smile on face!


Anonymous said...

That is amazing!! I am so happy for you!! When exactly are you due? :) I am just very excited. Jared and I are getting married this June. I would love to get together sometime! Congrats!

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