

Seeing as how I don't really have a whole lot of free time these days, i decided to seize this opportunity of a day off to clean out my garage which was still packed to the brim with boxes from college. So I start digging and I come across my basket of knitting things and as I was bringing them in, something squirmed out of the bottem, down my leg and under some other boxes. All I saw was a tail. And let me just say that I don't think I have ever gone to hoopin and hollerin the way I did when that think skidded down my leg.

Have you ever seen the commercial where the little toe nail fungus lefts up the nail and slithers in, his tail wagging behind... (eegghh) that is exactly what it looked like.

Turns out our garage had become infested with mice. EEeewwww! We had to take all the boxes out, dump out the contents in the front yard and Benjamin stood there with a shovel and pounded them into the ground. (He did a lot more than little bunny foo- foo)

And I thought roaches were bad...

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