
one of those days

I walked into school at 7:30 this lovely Monday morning, to a parent standing at my door with her son. We spent about 30 minutes talking about how her son didn't finish my test and how I should've given him more time.

I wore my hair in braids today and walked out of my room first block to get some copies and hear one of my male students say, "what's up with her hair, she looks like she's from 1902!"

I spent all of my planning period second block on "Freetranslation.com" trying to type everything into the translator so that my new student, who happens to be Chinese and not speak one single word of English, would be able to have some sort of a clue what is going on around him.

I spent my entire lunch helping the same student try to open his locker with, what turns out was, the wrong combination.

Fourth block I was observed by an administrator and a man who our school paid a lot of money to come in and tell us how to do our "discipline plan" better. When they left, the student who was sitting in front of them, who could hear everything they were saying, proceeded to tell the class that they were talking about how I didn't do the discipline plan right.

A girl in the same class saw my Bible on my desk and attitudely asked, "Uuhhhh, are teachers allowed to have those?"

And I got my second paycheck. $691.70 I've been working since August 31 getting there at 7:30 and leaving at about 5:30 everyday.

Every sad, depressing song you can think of was on the radio when I drove home. I repeatedly told it to "be quiet" and turned the station until I finally turned it off. Listening to it was like pouring syrup on chocolate chip and caramel pancakes; just too much.

I think I'm gonna grab a book and turn in early tonight.


Unknown said...

Keep going Jess, there is always a better day around the corner, even if that corner is a few blocks away.

erin said...

jessica ryan..i love you...and just in reading this i loved your dedication and servanthood in your day. you may not see it like that but i did. and what a witness..a bible on your desk. look to that to get you through more days like this that are sure to come. but i keep learning...God is sufficient and will not let the righteous fall:)

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